Monday, February 4, 2008

Next Party? MARDI GRAS!!!!

Now that I've eaten all those tres delish appetizer foods required at Super Bowl parties, I'm on a "rouller" and eagerly anticipate Fat Tuesday tomorrow. In case you don't know, it's the day that you stuff yourself silly with food and libations before you renew your "what I'm not going to eat/drink" New Year's resolutions and hit Ash Wednesday, the reflective and serious time in the liturgical calendar a.k.a. Lent.

Mardi Gras is technically just ONE DAY (thank GOD!!! Our collective livers couldn't handle it otherwise), not all the days and weeks between January 6th and Fat Tuesday - a common misconception. This time frame is called "Carnival" and is not only celebrated in New Orleans, Mobile, Houston, and other Gulf Coast cities of French Canadian ancestry, but also in Rio, Venice, throuough the Carribean, and Latin America. Almost a global party (OK, primarily limited to heavily Catholic populated countries). But the culmination is tomorrow, Fat Tuesday.

Here's how to get festive for the 10th annual party at Saucy Diva's house or whatever Mardi Gras party you're attending:

~ The colors are green (faith), gold (power) and purple (justice). Bright and blingy is what you're going for, Poodle.

~ Costumes are encouraged, but not a have-to. Don't leave home, though, without a boa or mask, though it's all about the beads - lots and lots of beads. You can pick up these lovely, cheap accessories at Party City.

~ The music of the evening is either zydeco or New Orleans brass jazz band

~ Want a festive adult libation to get you in the mood to wear that mask all night? Try a hurricane (3/4 oz. Bacardi Limon rum,1 oz. Bacardi light rum,1/4 oz. Bacardi 151 rum, pineapple juice, orange juice, grenadine, sweet & sour mix; to make nonalcoholic use ginger ale or Sprite). Ah, I'm waxing nostolgic about Pat O'Brien's .... Snapping out of it.

~ What's a party-going diva/dude to eat? It is important to have something (preferably A LOT) in your stomach to help absorb all that alcohol. Fill your plate with dirty rice, crawfish etouffe, gumbo, jumbalaya, shrimp creole, or even just good ole' fried chicken. For dessert, it's king cake and Moon Pies. Not so great for that waistline, huh Princess? Party today, repent later, I always say.

I'm off to find my boa, confirm the babysitter, and grab a snooze in preparation for tomorrow's festivities. XOXO


Anonymous said...

It is one party right after another for this party diva! Thanks for the tips, Dish. But do I HAVE to eat a Moon Pie? And I'd like to suggest my tip on how to stay tipsy instead of sloshing drunk: I devised a intricate formula. One drink followed by one water followed by one drink. Repeat, but slow the sipping as you progress in the formula.

Marjorie The Main Dish said...

Thanks for the tip, Tipsy! And Moon Pies are not a requirement. Hope everyone had fun last night and didn't get blown away, except by the ambiance.