Friday, February 8, 2008

Worst Hair Day EVER

I'm about to dump hair color bottle 3rd attempt on my head. I've gone from carrot top to purple and now I'm reservedly optomistic about wishing for a lovely shade of Elvira. Any tips?

My hair stylist is having a crisis or is on drugs or both. I can't hang around long enough to find out.

I need help .... FAST.


Allen Hammack said...

I've always liked Elvira! Any red except I-Love-Lucy carrot would look great on you!

PBCrook said...

Ummmmm...wear a hat?

Heh heh heh heh heh ;)

Anonymous said...

Let me know what you go with and I'll copy you. We'll set the stage and all will want to be in on the latest hair craze. It's all in the presentation.

Marjorie The Main Dish said...

Thanks for the vote of support, Divann! You rock! I'll spare you the agony of the results and just let you know that I went the following day to a salon, sat there for a fix I can live with, and didn't ask how much it was going to cost. The bottom line is that I was able to present at a national conference three days later and not be completely embarassed about my hair fiasco. It was worth it ... and better than trying to wear a sunhat and talk about how to attract the media (thanks, though, Paul! XOXO!)