Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Tap, tap, tap. Is this thing on?

Quick reminders (random order) for you awesome Divas and Dudes-

1. Vote in the poll to the left. I cater to your whims ... um ... except for one of you and you know who you are, though the incessant tries for about 2 years are amazingly flattering :)
2. Please visit my sponsors.
3. Post to the blog instead of emailing moi your comments. They're terrific. The group wants you to share. Really. Why should I be the one to have all the fun?

Guys, have you purchased your purple tie or shirt for the season? Tick, tick - fall's here! Love those shoes, Poodle. And Kitten, that color is amazing on you. You are the best-looking group of blog readers ever!

So, I had to break up the Fall Foliage/ Yard Work Parade (let me know if you're clamoring for Part III, 'cause you know I have it in the wings - post to the blog!!!!). While I do love, love, love a theme, I had to interject a little of my own personal spice. After all, all yard work and no play leaves a Main Dish ... well, heading for the shower thanks to all this humidity!



Anonymous said...

Thanks for the fall clothing reminder. It's so &%$# hot here, I still feel like it's summer. Will it ever be cool again?

Anonymous said...

And I'd love some more of your yard tips!

Allen Hammack said...


I did visit I-am-your-mom, loved the Notre Dame video!

Marjorie The Main Dish said...

Poodle! One of the I-am-you-mom's is my sister, Attorney Diva. They're hardly sponsors, although I'm crashing at her pad in NYC one night when I go to sing at Carnegie Hall next month. Anywhos, the sponsors are the delightful vendors in the black box above each post title. Thanks for your effort, dahling!

Marjorie The Main Dish said...

And I do so love watching ND lose, especially when it's to Boston College (Go Eagles!) or the Crimson Tide!

Allen Hammack said...

Any time I'm in fashion is utterly accidental, but I read your blog and pulled out my PURPLE shirt to wear under my sports coat to the premiere of "Phantom of the Opera" (1st row seats, natch!...)

Thanks for the tip!

Marjorie The Main Dish said...

Very nice! And thanks for not only reading, but posting to the blog. Really appreciate it Pumpkin Pop!