Young Birmingham Diva, Jennifer Adams will be at Jonathan Benton Booksellers (Mtn. Brook) from 4:00-6:00 p.m. signing her new book, Mixing New Orleans, two topics near and dear to my heart: Mixed drinks in New Orleans. Now, this is research I HAVE to know about!! Jennifer took a leave of absence from her "real" job, moved to New Orleans, and literally drank her way through it!!! With intentions to benefit the good of the group. WOW! Impressive.
Can't make it today? No worries. Call Jonathan Benton Bookseller at (205) 870.8840 to reserve your copy and have it signed while she's there and pick it up as you're able. This book makes a great gift for the holidays for the special Diva or Dude in your life!
The drink on the book cover photo is a Pimm's Cup. "I discuss the Pimm's cup and the city's most famous location for drinking them (The Napoleon House) in the book. The Napoleon House is widely considered the best place in New Orleans for a Pimm's Cup and they go through hundreds of them a day," she told me. Jennifer's recipe is:
1 3/4 ounces Pimm's No. 1
7 up
Cucumber Slice
Fill tall Collins glass with ice cubes. Add Pimm's and fill remaining with 7 up. Stir and garnish with a cucumber slice.

When I told Jenny that the mojito in her hand here didn't look like any mojito I've had the pleasure of encountering, she responded, "The recipe for the one I am holding I don't have, but it is basically fresh berries (strawberries, raspberries and blackberries) macerated and soaked in Champagne overnight. Then those are added to a glass with mint and a little sugar. They are then muddled in the bottom of the glass and ice and light rum are added and some soda water. It is garnished with a slice of strawberry."
'Scuse me while I run out for ingredients, this great toddy book (supporting a LOCAL bookstore), and to make reservations on Express Jet to The Big Easy. Cheers!
Marjorie, I cannot thank you enough for the sweet words.
Let's grab a cocktail sometime soon!
Jenny Adams
I recently bought this book and LA-LA-LOVE it. The writing and photography are so impressive. It has made me rethinking what I order at my local bar and has got me planning my next trip to NOLA.
Here, here! It's an amazing book. And by a local girl to boot. I've purchased three for Christmas gifts and plan to return to Jonathan Benton (shameless plug) for more!
Kitten, I'm autre-diva-struck by the author's posting! Must tell you, I'm getting this book for my sister, The Pink Drink Queen. This is a must-have for her libations library! Off to email Jenny to make cocktail arrangements. Come to think of it, I am indeed thirsty. Aren't you?
If you meant me ...
I'm always thirsty;)
I mean ALL OF YOU, my precious peeps!
I received my signed copies of Jenny's book. The Main Squeeze got to it before I could. I must reiterate: It is awesome. The photos are gorgeous. The information is beyond fantastic. We're thinking of just doign a N.O. trip around Jenny's book. It's that inspiring! Well done!
I furthermore am compelled to point out how much smarter Jenny is that the rest of us: She took a drinking affection and is MAKING MONEY OFF IT. That is simply divine and my chapeau is off to her! Cheers, Jenny!!!!
Isn't she though?! And you guys are pretty smart to plan a little New Orleans trip around the book. Maybe you, Jenny and the NO Chamber of Commerce could get together to promote some sort of package travel deal to the masses. Just a thought ...
That's a fantastic idea, Kitten! I'm having a late lunch with drinks with her ... oops! Like in a few. Better scoot! I'll bring it up and credit you :) After all, you'll be put in charge of organizing it, m'K?
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