September's winding down. Hey, how did that happen??? Fall has started and by default, my Fall Fast Track is speeding up. I don't know about you, but October and November are one big blur. Kids are going to soccer, gymnastics, and music lessons. Adults are getting into the groove of volunteer commitments, church on Wednesday nights (oh, I KNEW there was something I was forgetting!), social life (if you don't have one, now's the time to start it), AND making sure you get homework, practice, and family time all in.
Never a dull moment. How can you make sure you get it all done? And feed the kids something other than fast food? A few tips from The Main Dish:
1. For those evenings you rush from 1 practice to the next, keep a small cooler in your car. Keep:
~ Snacks, juice, water
~ Suckers for bribes (this is how I keep the kid-distraction level to a minimum ... sometimes)
~ Handi-wipes, diaper wipes, or fill the glove box with paper towels (not necessarily the best use of space, but you get my drift)
2. Stock the car. Keep extra equipment, clothes, or whatever stuff you need that can help out if someone forgets an essential. Keep it in a tub, basket, or box (I've got to put a box in my SUV, I'm SICK of hearing the soccer ball roll around every time I take a curb at 40 mph!).
3. Create a tote bag system – soccer, swimming, book club. When you get done with, say swimming, put the wet towels in the wash and immediately restock the bag. That way, you are ready to run out the door and won’t forget an essential item.
4. Want to accomplish stuff to make your life easier? While waiting for Junior to finish with accordion lessons,
~ Look over your holiday card list
~ Address a few envelopes on your holiday list
~ Pay bills
~ Write thank you notes (gag!)
~ Call a friend or family member that you’ve been meaning to catch up with
~ Look at some of the catalogs that are pouring into your mailbox lately
~ Drink heavily. OK, I was just wondering if you're still paying attention. Don't do that until you get home, Muffin (I don't know why it's skipping that space, I keep trying to fix it and it won't go away. I'm about to call it "flair" and be done with it.)
Off to pick up some child from something. I'll consult my calendar in a minute before pointing the car in a direction as I TRAVEL THE SPEED LIMIT as to avoid further driving school opportunities. Toodles, Poodles!
D'ya think the "suckers-for-bribes" would have worked on the unsympathetic officer who gives out tickets?...
No, he was a Grouchy Cat and beyond sucker-for-bribes. He'd probably come up with another outrageously bogus violation upon being handed a dum-dum. I sucked it up, so to speak :)
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