Friday, November 16, 2007

For Turkey, Will Travel?

If you are a guest, here’s how to get invited back and not stuck being the host next year:

~ Arrive no earlier than the time the host has announced and no later than half an hour after the time.
~ Stay about an hour after dinner unless travel plans or sleepy children necessitate leaving earlier.
~ Bring a gift plus a bottle of wine if you're not bringing a dish or two
~ Offer to help set up for dinner and to clean afterward
~ Notify the host of any special dietary needs IN ADVANCE -- if you are a vegetarian, diabetic, or allergic to common foods. Better yet, bring a special dish yourself.
~ If you're going to a potluck Thanksgiving, bring a serving dish with your contribution. Take a page from my supper club and prepare it at home and bring any serving pieces necessary.

Write a thank you note. These people are completely exhausted after catering to you, so the least you can do is thank them in writing. Wouldn't your Mama be proud?! You know it's the right thing to do anyway.

Bon Appetit!

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