Monday, November 12, 2007

Crockin' Out

My, my! This topic is certainly heating up, Kitten!

I simply must tell you before I launch ahead that at this very moment, the Chicken Artichoke dish 2 posts ago is cooking downstairs - it's been much too long since I enjoyed it. Since posting the recipe, I can't get it off my mind, so might as well cook it and force it down the boys' throats for dinner just for sport. Oh, and I'm simultaneously cooking 2 batches of Fabulous Brownies (Food for Thought, Jr. League cookbook) for The Market. I feel so efficient! And I'm completely hopeful that these wonderful simmering concoctions will fill my home with a lovely aroma ... that will cover up the chili I burned to smithereens on Friday which stank up my entire abode just 2 days before a 5 year old birthday party. For the record, I haven't burned supper ever, so I'm over-due.

At the par-tay, I served a shrimp dip that is so easy and delicious, that it would be a domestic crime for me not to share it. AND you can prepare it in your crock pot (LOOK! I've finally arrived back on topic).

1 can cream of shrimp soup
8 oz cream cheese (reduced fat, of course!)
couple splashes of Worcestershire sauce

On the stove: Cut up the cream cheese into cubes. Dump in cream of shrimp soup. Splash in Worcestershire sauce to taste. Stir. Melt. Stir some more. Serve. Refresh your container every 3o minutes or so to ensure warmth of dip for your invitees' palates.

In the crock pot: same directions, just set the pot on low and give it 2 hours to get to the consistency of dip.

I doubled the recipe. I had about 40 people at the back yard soiree and have left-overs (I'm going to put it on loaded baked potatoes tomorrow night for supper). Kids and grown ups loved it. I served it with Tostitos. Slice green onions or add chopped cilantro on the top if you want to add color. I didn't think the kiddies would go for that "suspicious green stuff", so I skipped it this time.

Oh! There goes the oven timer. Toodles!

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