Monday, November 26, 2007

Back from Carnegie Hall

Hey, Divas and Dudes. There were no postings after early last week because I went to NYC for Thanksgiving and to rehearse (MANY hours a day) for an appearance at Carnegie Hall yesterday at 2:00 p.m. with John Rutter conducting his masterpiece, Magnificat. It was thrilling, exciting, amazing, exhausting, wonderful, and much more. I can't talk about it without crying. We got a standing ovation at the end, so that was a thrill of a lifetime ... as was the look of immense joy on Rutter's face as he threw his arms up in the air and threw his head back at the completion of the performance. (Photo here features Main Squeeze and Main Dish outside Carnegie Hall marquee).

So, what does a Main Dish do after coming home from Carnegie Hall? Laundry. More postings soon after I recover from the trip, arriving home in the wee hours, and doing mine and the boys' laundry for the last week. In the meantime, enjoy the photos and remember: Nothing is impossible. EVER!

Outside Carnegie Hall with a bunch of Gorgeous Creatures! (That's what I address choral group members as ... they are ALL Divas and I love them all!!!!)

With Diva Sarah at The Brandy Library in Soho Friday night.

Tuesday before leaving - Dress Rehearsal at Canterbury UMC, Choral Group Musical-Heart-Throb Terre Johnson conducting, CBS 42 filming over his shoulder, and with a crowd of more than 250 onlookers in the sanctuary. A truly amazing send-off!!!!


Allen Hammack said...

Brava, babe, brava!! Congratulations!! When will the DVD be out?!?

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful opportunity. You deserved every single minute of it. Wow!

Anonymous said...

Wow. How did Musical-Heart-Throb Terre put up with all those gorgeous women? Must be a brave guy!

Unknown said...

M D You are the best! What a fabulous trip it was to NYC...I'm having Carnegie Hall withdrawals! John Rutter is my newest favorite person...Pamela