Wednesday, May 28, 2008
The Indy 500
There's just nothing quite like being in a really fast, really red race car plastered with sponsors. Hugging curves never felt so extraordinary. The engineers, though, leave out the comfort factor in these puppies. I can't imagine driving in that capsule for hours on end for 500 miles. Serious fanny fatigue has GOT to ensue.
The part about the race experience that made me laugh the hardest? People kept telling me that "Indy Car Racing is so much more high-brow than Nascar". The only thing I could imagine that people were talking about on this subject was that in addition to your soda and beer choices, Indy 500 fans can select margaritas at food and beverage stands in the stadium. Please tell me when tequila and triple sec started to qualify as "high brow". Not that I was expecting tails and Kir Royales to abound at the race course, but I'm starting to wonder about some of my racing sources and their lucidity.
One thing people kept telling me before the race is that Indy cars go faster than other race cars (hence, them thinking this race format is superior to the other types of racing; I can't judge as I've only been to a grand total of one race now). All I can say is you need to not blink because you'll totally miss a car going by. You can only detect a blur of color when the car passes you. Sometimes, I just counted the nee-yaa sounds whipping past.
A moment to talk about the spectacular seats we had. Diva Janet, you are a sporting arena goddess!!! The seats were AWESOME. We were about 12 rows from the track, across from the pagoda and stage where EVERYTHING happened. I could plainly watch Kristi Yamaguchi climb the ladder to get on the platform to wave the flag (her jeans, I SWEAR, looked like they were Jordache brand from the 80's!!!). I saw Danica throw down her gloves after she was hit and taken out of the race to try to settle the score. I watched Scott Dixon turn the bottle of milk on himself. The pagentry at that event is pretty cool ... and I could see the scheduled and unscheduled stuff without much aid from the jumbo-tron. Impressive.
The factoid I found most interesting: it didn't smell at all. The cars run on ethanol. Bet you divas didn't know that one. There's always something to learn, Kitten.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Gas Link
Here is a link allowing you to put in a zip code and it ranks the gasoline prices lowest to highest in your area.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
If I don't post for a while ...
Oh, and I'm heading to Indianapolis for the weekend. I hear there's something called a "motor sport event" happening there. I'll investigate and report back.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
File Under: Are You KIDDING ME?????,0,5849955.htmlstory
There's just so much wrong with this, I can't narrow down the place to start. So, I suggest you read the postings after viewing the video. Quite entertaining yet totally disturbing when you think about it. Oh, and you hot guys, please be careful at the gas station in case this catches on!
The question I can't get out of my mind is: What is a guy on a bike doing at a gas station near the pump anyway? I think there could be more to the story. Which distrubs me further.
Aargh! My day is consumed with this mental bubble gum.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
PS She did NOT tell me to do this. It just hit me.
Now that my brain has whacked back into proper function .... If your mom's a reader, contact Katherine at Jonathan Benton Bookseller for a book suggestion or gift card.
Better yet, combine these two ideas, cover your bases, and Mom will love you forever (like she doesn't already. You know you're her favorite!!!!)
Off I go. XOXO
Quick Update
Just want to let you know that I'll be back on The Rox Report 5/19 at 8:30; topic is celebs, so keep your requests coming. I now have Roxanne's link over there under blog faves (even though it's a web page - small detail).
If you want to buy my 2001 Mercedes S430, it's parked across the street from the Macy's entrance at Brookwood Village with an info sheet on the rear passenger door. BTW, the phone number is my agent's.
HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to all you moms! For ideas on what to send Mom at the last minute, I refer you to the Valentine Flower information posting. You'll be Mom's favorite for sure!
Toodles, Poodle! XOXO ~ Marjorie TMD
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
What I learned: Brangelina Radio Topic Follow up
There were several items from my Monday spot on The Rox Report that I didn't get to and think my divas and dudes will enjoy knowing:
You can have it all. Especially when you have enough dough to fly around in your own Gulfstream Jet with pilot, go everywhere with 2 nannies and 3 security guards, and are met at friends mansions by a staff of 12 at your service. When that's the case, you can be a mom and work for world peace. See, this is what it takes to make that happen. Pressure's now off, Kitten.
You (yes, you in the pink) can have Angelina’s lips. While they seem to be a natural phenomenon, you can emulate the look with these simple steps:
1. Exfoliate your lips (huh? I know!) with warm water and a wet wash cloth for 30 seconds.
2. Use Angie-endorsed Carmex on your lips to keep them succulent looking all the time. Yes, she has said in interviews that it’s her secret make-up product. Anywho, Carmex also makes your lips more receptive to enhancement treatments you apply yourself
3. Scurry and purchase one of those limp plumpers (the most recent thing in lip-enhancing technology – yep, they have "lip technology" these days). NOTE: some brands may give you a slight burning feeling and some brands note to not lick your lips for fear of allergic reaction wherein your throat may swell up (beauty for what cost, I ask you?!?)
3. a. ALTERNATE IDEA: Raid your seasonings and grab some cayenne pepper OR a combo of ginger and cinnamon to increase the circulation in your kisser and apply a very small amount across your lips and top with lip gloss. Again, especially cayenne could cause what I would consider to be moderate discomfort, so be careful with that application
4. Use a light colored lip liner close to the shade of your lips and fill in the entire pucker area and top with lip gloss (Angie never sports gigantic red lips).
While I’m not about to do any of the above, if you’re so inclined, tell me about your adventure with beauty concoctions involving your spice rack and your face.
Of course, these tips are less expensive than the #1 growing request plastic surgeons are hearing from women: lip enhancement surgery so they will look like Angelina.
SIGH! Kitten, you are a divine human.
I'm looking up Rox's blog to post a link on my faves, BTW.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Microphone, Please
Thank you for all your input to my question about who your fave celeb is. I realize there are only a couple postings here, but I received numerous emails, a couple of phone calls, and was even stopped in the grocery store by people telling me who they liked to follow and why.
I am really glad I asked the question. I was very surprised and enlightened by the answers. For example, my high school friend who is now a dentist told me that he wanted to know about what stars are giving back to their communities and has an interest in who is on stage. I would have never thought about that angle. Another diva wants to know about what celebrities are putting in their homes - gadgets and stuff. Hilariously enough, the person in Publix stopped me to tell me that she wanted to know what restaurants celebs liked and what foods are "in". Have no idea, but maybe I'll research it at some point. 'Cause now that I think about it, that would be fun to know.
I hope that my reports on "all things celebrity' will provide more content than what you find in the funny papers ... and I hope to work in some tips that will be entertaining, interesting, or that maybe you can actually use. Keep the celebrity opinions coming.
I hope you will tune in 1070 AM at 8:30 Monday. If you are out of the listening area, grab a computer, you can listen online at If you haven't heard The Rox Report before, you will find Roxanne a delightful call-in-talk-show host with exquisite manners and a really big brain.