I love shoes. Sigh. Nothing like a sassy pair of shoes makes such a great Diva statement. I don’t know what it is, but backless shoes, mules in particular, hold unexplainable irresistible appeal to me, though a peep-toe sling-back has a remarkably similar effect! There are several articles of clothing that you could have a plain one of, but WHY? Shoes is the Queen of that rule.
As with all clothes, you must know what fits your body shape and what works for you. For example, I’m short; therefore I MUST stay away from shoes with ankle straps because, Poodle, they cut you visually in yet another place and really make you look dumpy and shorter. I swear, they do! Even though those ankle tie sandals are the most diva-licious shoe morsels around. Slurp. I must resist.
Diva Sandal Selecting Tips (please note the shoes are the bullet points and are the examples):

Heels always make your legs look better. If that makes you groan, select a wedge. They’re just so comfortable and look so super. If you need a diva sandal, doesn't this low-heeled wedge just look delicious?! Try a bold color this summer. You will be so happy you branched out!

A sub note under that is the platform is still a fantastic “heel” option. (Thank you, Spain for Espadrilles!!! Divas adore them!) Please note the example has a peep-toe feature. See, you can combite delights such as: wedge + peep toe = Diva shoe

If your feet are prone to inflating and deflating at a moment’s notice (and this is all too real in the summer with the heat and AC), please avoid the gappy-strappy kind. I saw one poor woman’s feet on an airplane one time and it was just abysmal – it looked like fat was just oozing through those straps. Just a bad, bad look. Those sandals were the multicolored strap ones that were so big in the 80’s. I know I had at least 3 pairs of them in a 4 year period – just variations on the theme. THIS IS NOT TO SAY you cannot wear strappy shoes. Just make sure before purchasing that if necessary, they have adequate wiggle room (so to speak.

Flip flops don’t have to be boring. Yellow Box is my fave brand of them – surprised that I own the pink polka dot AND the leopard (it’s even fuzzy!)? But here are some that are under $20 – how great is that?!
I think I just spent 2 hours on
http://www.shoes.com/, a site I simply must make certain you know about. All of the photos here are courtesy of that marvelously shoe-infused eye-candy wonderland of a website. Who needs therapy? Nothing makes a hag-making-a-diva-comeback feel inspired like looking at glorious shoes. I suggest you take a mental break, Cupcake, and indulge with me there. Free shipping and Free returns, now THAT’S Shoe Heaven.
Hey Marjorie,
if you love shoe shopping (and you clearly know you're way around the web) you've got to start shopping through affiliates. They partner with well known shoe retailers who offer customers discounts on name brand products in exchange for linking you to them.
Check out www.shoemeister.com. Sandals aren't yet on sale, but this time of year you can get some great deails on Sofft boots (styles to die for that you'd never guess were comfortable) and even some casuals (including your beloved mules!). Coupons change frequently so it's worth shopping often or signing up for their newsletter.
Another affiliate to watch: www.shooplah.com. A bunch of new brands (including those featured on Zappos) will be added soon!
Oh, Anonymous, SHUT UP!!! YOU ARE FABULOUS!!!! Create your very own Nom De Diva, Toute de Suite, Precious!!!! (So, it's sort of like a Nom de Plume for this site) These are sparkley golden nuggets beyond compare. I'm so excited, my fingers are getting twisted typing. My boa is all a-flutter. Feathers are flying. I'm off to gape at shoemeister.com and shooplah.com. Back soon. Kisses, Anonymous - who is soon to be renamed! Ooh! I just love shoes and your comments! XOXO
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