You know, there are some things on your List (of stuff to do before you buy the farm) and you're really not certain that you'll get to do them 'cause they're so outrageous. Silence, Petunia? What?!!! Tell me you have outrageous things that you want to do before your number's called. Oh. COME. ON. SURE YOU DO!!!!
Well, think on that while you read and then post your answer to the comment section, m'kay (keep it clean; I aim to keep my PG rating).
So, singing from the rooftop is one of those things that people talk about and I've often wondered, "Hey, does anybody really ever do that?" And thought, " if no one does, then perhaps I should look into doing it". But well, let's face it the ... sheer danger .... kept me from really pursuing it. The logistics were sort of a sticking point, too - like how do you get a sound system on a roof and mike up? In heels? Would people call the police?
Wonder no more, Poodle-Pop. This Saturday afternoon, The Main Dish takes to the rooftop to perform a musical set on 18th Street in Homewood, just down from the end of 280 (or is it the beginning?) near Dorothy McDaniel Flower Shop. On several little numbers, I'll be joined by the dashing, hunky, and totally talented Mark Rubino, who is the one who got me in this mess in the first place -- err, I mean: he's the one who is making my roof-top chanteuse dreams come true.
We rehearsed up there this morning and I learned a couple of things:
~ The pollen is definitely getting worse
~ I'm going to need a lot of hair spray
~ Subsequently, I need to bring chap stick for the luscious lips to stay hydrated about 3 stories in the air
~ I'm considering using a beauty queen technique - Vaseline the teeth so the perma-smile stays on; an added bonus is that the inner upper lip doesn't get dry while singing (in case you haven't noticed, it's kinda' windy up there)
~ There is a Mediterranean tree (tall, skinny, spruce variety) planted in Homewood (totally out of place) that's like 2 stories tall and 12 inches wide - it's really weird
~ The guy two doors down is working on his car
~ Scott Walton is indeed not just receding, but balding on the top (he's much taller than I and has lamented about it to me for about 2 years now, but I couldn't see it for myself until today - so sorry, Scott; commiserate with the Main Squeeze if necessary).
~ The crowd should be liquored up by late afternoon, right?
So, I encourage you, Poodle, to embrace an Outrageous Item on your List. It may be easier to accomplish than you think - I always envisioned a steep, pitched roof; this one is totally flat with a stair case leading to it and the always-handy pulley system to vertically transport items such as sound systems. SURPRISE! It's do-able.
So, what's your Outrageous Item???? (again, PG rating, please)
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Great rooftop singing scene near the end of "Across The Universe", the recent musical movie with all the Beatles music in it...
Okay, I'll keep it PG, just for you, M, and just this once! I would enjoy getting to throw (or catch) a pass with the Green Bay Packers in Lambeau Field, kind of like Billy Crystal got to do with the New York Yankees today--as long as we can skip the part about getting tackled by the 300-pound defensive end!
Enjoy your rooftop rumba, my dear!
So dreamy! I wish we could be there to cheer you on. I know it will be a great success. You go Ms. Piaf;) Let me know the next time you get yourself into something like this! I definitely want to be there.
I'm in theatre--I've already done (or will probably do in the future) anything I wanted to do that's silly, embarrassing, or potentially dangerous!
Now for the "R" (or possibly "NC-17") answer...
Heh heh heh
You haven't changed a bit, Paul!!! Heh, heh!
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