Friday, September 11, 2009

Tooth Fairy Topics

My 6 year old has been losing teeth like crazy lately, so we have been having many a discussion on our new favorite unseen diva, the Tooth Fairy.

I didn't realize this was going to cause me to do so very much research, but being the generous spirit that I am, I'll share my findings with you.

1. Word has Tooth Fairy clip art. This has come in mighty handy what with all the note writing. Lordy, the Tooth Fairy is about to qualify for Pen Pal Status around here!

2. The Tooth Fairy is pretty much afraid of guard cats.

3. Her favorite color is pink. She writes her notes in pink ink.

4. If a nightlight isn't left on, she may opt to pass you by.

5. Sometimes the Tooth Fairy leaves things besides money. She has been known to leave books around here.

6. Some children are more sensitive than others to items under their pillows and wake up at 3 AM and when he stumbles across a word in the dark that he doesn't know, he thinks absolutely nothing about scampering down to wake up sleeping parents to decipher words in the DARK!

7. Most websites offering gifts from the Tooth Fairy are useless because they require you to think AHEAD of the time you will actually need a cool Tooth Fairy item. These sites also take FOREVER to ship once you outlay a boatload of cash. I'm not falling for that!

8. Pot-smoking Tree huggers write too many children's books, specifically on the topic of fairies. I have read the schmarmiest crap lately on this topic. I know all of these stupid stories to be completely untrue and unfounded! They're just trying to tap into the lucrative Tooth Fairy market share. Do not be fooled! Everybody in their right Diva minds knows that the Tooth Fairy collects teeth so she can make JEWELRY!!! DUH!!!!

The funniest thing I ran across, though was the letter for an older child. Here's the link:

Some other decent information can be found at

Really, the main lesson grown ups can take from the Tooth Fairy is that childhood can be a magical, fun time for everyone ... only if we believe in the magic and help it happen.

1 comment:

Allen said...

Wow. Call me old-fashioned (and a boy), but I didn't consider communication an issue if the quarter showed up--no note was necessary. The night light is a great idea!