Thursday, June 12, 2008

Ball field Accoutrements

One of the bleacher moms told me yesterday before the electrical storm and ensuing downpour that I should post a list of everything I bring to the ball field so that my player and his cheering entourage can enjoy the game.
1. An umbrella, which inevitably gets left in the car.
2. A cooler with pre-frozen Gatorade and water bottles (you not only keep the cooler cooler, but the player gets the frozen drink in the dug-out and it stays colder longer OR he enjoys a slushie); a baggie with moistened wash cloths; bug spray (refreshing when you spray on chilled bug spray!); 45 sunscreen (ditto); drinks for the child's cheering section; sliced fruit; and ice in a baggie for injuries. I take a bigger cooler if we are enjoying a double-header in the oven.
3. Lots of napkins and paper towels
4. A stadium chair
5. At least 1 baseball for little brother's entertainment
6. A bag in addition to my purse. Mental note: need to condense this into one item. In the bag are snacks, chips - basically energy junk food that won't melt in the heat, little brother's glove, my glove (little brother has a rocket for an arm), tons of napkins, wet ones (usually gets left in the car), eye black stuff, face stick of sunscreen (I swear by that stuff with sweaty boys), and anything else I can't carry.

The Main Dish does a lovely pack mule imitation. Glamour abounds at the ball field. But, of course, I wear a floppy hat so as to ensure the diva-look.

Feel free to use these tips at your picnic or other outdoor activity in the oven.
Stay cool!


Anonymous said...

These are great. I have a Sunday School picnic and am definately stealing the frozen bottled drink idea!

Marjorie The Main Dish said...

Tipsy, please remember to NOT take beverages of adult content to a church grounds picnic. Just thought it might help. XOXO Main Dish