Sunday, June 14, 2009

Another Product Rave

Over the course of writing this blog, I have touted the virtues of several cleaning products, specifically in regards to white baseball pants (insert curse to the man who came up with that idea for little boys here).

Several years ago in Lowe's, I came across a bottle of magic that really, really worked on my white tile and white grout. I know you'll be unfazed to learn that upon my return to Lowe's in search of more, it was no longer carried and the sales associates swore by some other product that was nowhere close to the magical substance.

Taaa-Daaa! I heart the Internet. It occurred to me one sleepless night not too long ago to search for it. Lo and behold! I found it ... and am passing it along to you. It's Finazzle. I love, love, love , love Finazzle White Grout cleaner. And am orbiting to learn that they have more products. PS Are NOT expensive.

I'll share:

Finally, a word about not so many postings lately. My apologies again. It's baseball season and Jack-Jack's team has surprised this hardened baseball mom's initial predictions by actually staying alive in the machine pitch tournament ... helped tremendously by torrents of rain delaying the game for 48 hours and counting.

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