Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Dreaming the Dream

If you haven't seen Susan Boyle's stunning weekend performance on Britain's Got Talent by now, stop everything and take a look:

This frizzy haired middle aged frumpy Scott is the most courageous person I have ever heard of. She had absolutely no reason to take this leap and audition in Glasgow for the show ... except she simply had nothing to lose. And look what she has gained!! Respect ... from all over the world.

Susan, you are a Diva!! I knew from the moment I saw your shoes as you walked on stage that you were a spunky girl! Your smile is radiant. I look forward to watching your transformation into the Gorgeous Creature you are destined to be. You are the celebrity that I want to watch!!! Eagerly tuning in ...
The Main Dish

1 comment:

janet said...

She's fabulous. I loved watching her. But I will confess she also really reminded me that it's about time to pay some attention to my eyebrows.